the auquilt cutter is stored at mingus view church and is available from 1-3 every wednESDAY.
The guild has an Accu-quilt cutter that may be borrowed. Cutter can be borrowed for no more than one week at a time. after a five day waiting period it may be borrowed again. this is to ensure that everyone has a chance to use it when needed. PLEASE CONTACT Jeanne N FOR MORE INFORMATION.
Please make sure you have been properly trained on its use to help keep it in tip top condition. Blades on dies can be bent so proper care and die cleaning is needed. loose threads should be removed from die with a pick prior to returning to karen. (see video below)
The cutter is a great way to prepare your scraps to be used for smaller projects as well as tackling those large projects like a “double wedding ring”. Half square triangles are a cinch when cut with the cutter and it even removes those “dog ears” before sewing. Curved seams are easier when they are cut accurately and curved dies have tabs to make it easy to line them up properly.
“Better cuts make better quilts”. Remember to allow a little extra fabric when cutting with the cutter. The chart at the bottom of the page tells you how much fabric you will need, depending on the die you are using.
Here is a list of the guilds dies which may be borrowed:
Die & Mat Inventory:
6 ½ inch Square
5 inch Square
4 ½ inch Square
2 ½ inch Squares
2 ½ inch Strips
Equilateral Triangles – Die number 55079 – 1 inch, 1 ½ inch, and 2 ½ inch – all unfinished
Value Die – 2 in HST, 4 in Sq, 2 ½ in Sq – Die number 55021
Drunkards Path block – 3 ½ inch
Dresden Plates – two types – 12 inch
Log Cabin – 12 inch
Blazing Star – 12 inch
Bowl Cozy – Small
Baby Burp Cloth
Christmas Stocking
7 1/2 inch Rag Square
6 1/2 inch Triangle
2 – 10 x 24
1 – 5 x 10
1 - 10 x 10
1 – 6 x 6