meetings are being held at:

mingus view Presbyterian church

8340 Leigh Drive, Prescott Valley

The guild meets on the first Monday of each month (2nd monday if holiday) at 7pm. Meet & Greet begins at 6pm with mentoring available at 6:30.

Refreshments provided by birthday quilters of the month

May bring own water (but is provided during break)

Masks /social distancing are optional

Meeting Dates for 2025:

January 6     April 7                       July 7                             October 6

February 3                   May 5                       August 4                         November 3

March 3                       June 2                      September 8                    December 1

this church has an active community pantry program.  they would love it if members dropped a can into the bin on the way into the church.  not required, but it would be greatly appreciated.


Board meetings are held at the church prior to the monthly meeting at 5:30.

All members are welcome to attend the board meetings

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