Steering Committee/Guild Founders 2002

Sandy E.

Marcia K.

Susan D.

Gloria B.

Linda B.

First Elected Officers 2002

President - Sandy E.

Vice President - Ruth C.

Secretary - Laura S.

Treasurer - Kim H.

Current Officers 2025

President - Gay F

President Elect - Susan B

Secretary - Jeanette S.

Treasurer - Tami H

Member at Large - Mary T.

Standing committee chairpersons:

Community Service - Judy L.

Membership - Sue V.

Ways & Means - Vacant


Audit - Vacant

Block of the Month/Stand Down Quilts - Vacant

By Law Committee - Lori O., Marcia R. & Linda W.

Drawing/Fat Quarters- Kym M

Holiday Boutique - Lori O. & Anita T

Hospitality - Kris P.

In House Workshops - Marcia R.

Newsletter Editor - Gay F.

Nominating Committee - Vacant

Programs - Susan C

Publicity - Vacant

Secret Quilter - Vacant

Sunshine - Debbie H

Mini Groups - Robin P

Budget - Vacant

Holiday Party - Vacant

Storage Shed Monitor - Vacant

Opportunity Quilt for Raffle - Mary T

WEB Page Maintenance - Susan C.

Position duties are as follows:

President: The President shall preside at all guild meetings and chair the Executive Committee. The President shall appoint chairpersons of all standing and ad hoc committees with the approval of the Executive Committee. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee. The President shall have keys and keep a master list of people with keys to the following; meeting room, storage locker, post office box, and the bank safety deposit box. All Guild mail should be received and distributed to appropriate board members by the President.

President elect: The President-Elect shall assume the duties of the office of the President as necessary.  Assist the President, Secretary, and Treasurer, in their duties. The President-Elect assumes the duties of President the following year. The President-Elect will attend Board Meetings with voting privileges. The President-Elect will also work with the Special Program and Monthly Program Chairmen. She shall oversee and delegate the purchasing of supplies and the making of the outgoing President’s Quilt. 

SECRETARY: The Secretary shall record and retain minutes of all business meetings and execute Guild Correspondence as directed by the Board. The Secretary will post Guild Meeting Minutes to the general membership. 

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all Guild Funds, including the filing of required government reports, i.e. non-profit status, IRS, negotiation for meeting facilities, and the collection and disbursement of funds at the direction of the Executive Committee or at a vote of the General Membership. The Treasurer shall post an updated report at all general meetings.

Member at large: The Member-at-Large will represent the voice of the General Membership. The Member-at-Large shall attend all meetings and bring concerns and suggestions of the General Membership before the Board.

community projects: The Community Chair will be responsible for establishing a community charity project in which the guild will participate. They shall attend Board meetings and shall have voting privileges. All chairmen will submit an annual report to the Lonesome Valley Quilters Guild Board.

membership: The Membership Chair will collect all Guild Dues and keep all guild membership records. The Chair is also responsible for seeing that Membership Badges, Information Packets and a Directory Listing are made and distributed. They shall attend Board meetings and shall have voting privileges. All chairmen will submit an annual report to the Lonesome Valley Quilters Guild Board.

ways and means: The Ways and Means Chairpersons will chair all fund-raisers, such as the biennial Tea and Quilt Auction. The Ways and Means Committee is also responsible for any fund raising efforts at meetings, i.e. LVQG Attic, fat quarter, door prize, or block of the month. The Co-Chair shall assume the duties of chairman the following year. They shall attend Board meetings and shall have voting privileges. All chairmen will submit an annual report to the Lonesome Valley Quilters Guild Board.

programs - monthly and special: Monthly Program Chairperson will be responsible for providing a program for each month excluding Special Speakers, July Anniversary Potluck, and Christmas Lunch. he/She will send a thank you card to the guest speaker. All chairmen will submit an annual report to the Lonesome Valley Quilt Guild Board.
Special Programs will be responsible for obtaining speakers and teachers for long-range Programs (quarterly presentations if funds are available.) he/She All chairmen will submit an annual report to the Lonesome Valley Quilters Guild Board.

incentive program: The Guild voted that Guild members will be given tickets for a quarterly drawing for making and donating items to our fund raising events, i.e. Holiday Boutique. This incentive program was effective March 1, 2009. The first drawings were held at the June 1, 2009, Guild meeting. There will be three $15 "rewards" each quarter. The rewards will be gift cards for local fabric shops and restaurants.

drawing/fat quarters: These Chairpersons will be responsible for collecting drawing gifts and fat quarters. Tallying recipts for fat quarters. Turning in collected monies to the Treasurer. They will conduct a drawing for the door prize gifts and fat quarters.

refreshments: This Chairperson will be responsible for seeing that the refreshment supplies are available each month. The refreshment providers for that month will assist the Chairpersons with set-up and cleanup. All chairmen will submit an annual report to the Lonesome Valley Quilters Guild Board.

workshops/in house workshops: The Workshop Chairperson will be responsible for setting up the workshops, obtaining a facility in which to hold the workshop and provide signup sheets for the membership with a list of supplies needed. The Workshop Chairperson will collect all fees and turn them in to the Treasurer. All chairmen will submit an annual report to the Lonesome Valley Quilters Guild Board.

sunshine: The Sunshine Chairperson will send cards of condolence and get well to members of the Lonesome Valley Quilters Guild. All chairmen will submit an annual report to the Lonesome Valley Quilters Guild Board.

hospitality: The Hospitality Chairperson will greet visitors have them sign the Guest Book, and present them to the membership.  he/She will wear a special Hospitality Badge. he/She will provide the guest with an information hand-out and follow-up the meeting with a Thank you for attending card. he/She will be the internet and publicity contact. The Chairperson will appoint a committee of greeters for each meeting. he/She will be responsible for maintaining the Guest Book. All chairmen will submit an annual report to the Lonesome Valley Quilters Guild Board.

secret quilter: The Secret quilter Chairperson will give out the list of Secret quilters to the participating membership and be the postmaster for the Secret quilter Mailbox at the Guild Meetings. All chairmen will submit an annual report to the Lonesome Valley Quilters Guild Board.

Publicity: The Publicity Chairman is to disseminate all pertinent news to all facets of the news media. he/She will notify the local papers of each monthly meeting, a week prior to the meeting. The Chairperson or a member of his/her committee will see that the necessary bookmarks (approved by the LVQG Board) are printed and distributed to all local fabric stores, the local libraries, and any stores that may be interested. Keep records showing clippings, articles, etc. from the news media. All chairmen will submit an annual report to the Lonesome Valley Quilters Guild Board.

newsletter: The Newsletter Editor shall write and distribute to the membership a monthly edition of the LVQG Newsletter, via e-mail and US Post to those members without e-mail. he/She will be reimbursed for cost of stamps, envelopes, labels, paper, and ink cartridges both black and color. All contributions to the newsletter should be submitted in writing to the editor by the Board Meeting. The newsletter should be mailed within 2 days after the Board Meeting.

block of the month: The Chair chooses 12 block patterns for the year. These patterns are presented to guild members. Those who choose to participate in the
program are asked to make 2 blocks; One for the guild community projects program and 1 for themselves. The blocks are collected and made into Community Projects quilt tops.

mini groups: The Chairpersons will mentor mini-groups and help with the creation and tracking of mini-groups within the guild. All chairmen will submit an annual report to the Lonesome Valley Quilters Guild Board.

holiday boutique: The Holiday Boutique Chairperson shall oversee the Holiday Boutique. he/She will supervise all sub chairpersons to ensure a smooth and productive fund raiser. he/She will ensure that all necessary supplies and locations of said supplies are made available to the necessary personnel.

by-law committee: By-Law Committee will help to establish new by-laws and/or edit existing by-laws. The Committee will present the by-laws to the Lonesome Valley Quilters Guild Board Members for review and possible rewrites, the final draft will be presented to the membership for review, final approval and adoption. All chairmen will submit an annual report to the Lonesome Valley Quilters Guild Board.

nominating committee: The President with the approval of the Executive Committee (hereafter Board) shall appoint a Nominating Committee in April prior to the election of officers. The Nominating Committee shall consist of five (5) active members. This group shall submit and introduce at least one candidate for each office to be filled. Nominations from the floor may be accepted at the July Meeting with the consent of the person being nominated. The Nominating Committee will be responsible for tallying all votes, and will present the results at the end of the August Meeting. All chairmen will submit an annual report to the Lonesome Valley Quilters Guild Board.

audit: A yearly audit of the books shall be done in August by three (3) Active Members of the guild not including the treasurer appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Committee (Board).
The Treasurer will give the Audit Committee the following: balanced Check Register, the Bank Statements, and the Treasurer's Monthly Reports. The Audit Committee will then confirm these three (3) documents agree for all paid invoices and turn in a statement to that effect to the Board at their September meeting, each year. Verification of these three documents involves: Check addition/subtraction errors, check the paid bills making sure they have correct amount/check # and date on the paid bill. Check that the Bank Statements agree with the check register and monthly reports. All chairmen will submit an annual report to the Lonesome Valley Quilters Guild.

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